Category Archives: Bolivia

Lake Titicaca: More than Dirty Jokes: May 29 – June 1

Lake Titicaca is the world’s largest high altitude lake and is shared between Bolivia and Peru. It is famous for its floating islands made of reeds and for being the site of the origination of the Incas. Mike and I … Continue reading

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Getting High in the Andes (The Raff Way): Climbing Huyana Potosi–May 25-27

 While in Chalalan, we’d decided to attempt to climb 6,088 m Huyana Potosi; neither of us was in any kind of climbing shape, but the mountain charmed us when we flew by its upper portions last week, and so we … Continue reading

Posted in Bolivia | 7 Comments

Welcome to the Jungle: Chalalan Eco-Lodge (May 19 – 23)

The Amazon Rainforest is a subject that both Mike and I enjoyed learning about in our childhood, and for Mike it has been a dream to visit the rainforest. So what better place than the Madidi National Park in Bolivia, … Continue reading

Posted in Bolivia | 2 Comments

La Paz: the World’s Highest Capital and the World’s Most Dangerous Road–M

When Sarah last left you, we had just finished our tour of the Uyuni Salar, one of our favorite experiences in South America.  Before moving on to La Paz, we decided to take a rest in Uyuni for a day, … Continue reading

Posted in Bolivia | 2 Comments

Touring the Bolivian Salt Flats: May 10 -14

Now that we were in Tupiza after our long walk, we needed to figure out how to get out of Tupiza to see some of Bolivia’s amazing landscapes. Tupiza is the jumping off point for tours to the far southwest … Continue reading

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When Bolivia Is On Strike, It´s Good to Find Some Hippies–May 8-9

After our frustrating attempt to get a Bolivian visa in Salta last week, gaining entrance at the border proved to be much easier than we had expected, but we were not to know at the time that the border was … Continue reading

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