Category Archives: Australia

Mallacoota to Melbourne: A Little Beach, A Little Wine, and A Whole Lotta Sunshine–Feb. 21-26

 After leaving Sidney, Sarah and I had five full days remaining in Australia; that was just enough time to find a tiny beach town to explore, do a little more wine tasting, and get a quick feel for Melbourne. One … Continue reading

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Hunter Wines, Blue Mountain Hiking, Birthday Celebrations at the Harbor (February 16 – 20)

It was time to leave the beach and head inland to taste some of Australia‘s fine wines that we have heard so much about. It has been since South Africa, back in October, that we have enjoyed good wine, so … Continue reading

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Movin’ On Down Under–Byron Bay to Newcastle: Feb. 11-Feb. 15

We left Brisbane on Feb. 11, having covered roughly half the distance of Australia’s East Coast; at the beginning of the trip, we had both assumed that we would see kangaroos and koala bears hopping and scooting all over the … Continue reading

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Cairns to Brisbane via the Bruce Highway: Let the Driving Begin (February 5 – 10)

Australia is a huge country and to arrive in Melbourne before our flight on February 27, we had to quickly cover some ground. Interestingly, Brisbane was going to be the halfway point in terms of distance (1700 km) on our … Continue reading

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Cairns: They Call It “Canes,” But There’s No Mistaking the Great Barrier Reef!–Feb. 3-5

We arrived in Cairns after an early morning flight from Darwin and immediately hired (that’s fancy Brit or Australian talk for “rented”) our wheels for the upcoming weeks:  a Toyota  Yaris hatchback that looked sort of like a smiley face from … Continue reading

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Darwin, Australia: Cheeseburger in Paradise (February 1 – 2)

Australia is our fifth continent and thirteenth country in seven months! It has been an amazing adventure so far, and we were both really excited about our month long visit to the land “down under.” On January 31st, Mike and … Continue reading

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