Category Archives: Nepal

Nepal Sightseeing: Pokhara, Chitwan, and Kathmandu (November 28 – December 11)

After 19 days on the trail with no rest days, Mike and I were ready for some downtime, and Pokhara was the perfect place. For the first 3 days that we were back, our days entailed of going out for … Continue reading

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Annapurna Trek Week 3–Alphabet Soup

When our last blog ended, we were in Ghorepani on Monday, Nov. 21, after completing our portion of the Annapurna Circuit and beginning to make our way towards the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) area.  Ghorepani is a pretty popular destination for … Continue reading

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Trekking the Annapurna Circuit: Week 2

After our nice rest day in Manang, we were back at it to slowly make our way to Thorung La Pass. We were happy to get out of Manang without have contracting any stomach bugs, and we were now getting … Continue reading

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Trekking the Annapurna Circuit: Week 1 in Himilayan Paradise

After the hectic craziness of our two weeks in India, it was nice to slow down in Pokhara, Nepal, where we spent a slow, relaxing day getting permits and a few supplies–mostly replacing things that I had broken or had … Continue reading

Posted in Nepal | 8 Comments

Sarah and Mike are Back Online

Hello Family and Friends!  Mike and I are back from our 19 day trek around the Annapurna Circuit and to the Annapurna Base Camp.  It was an amazing journey with outstanding mountain views, new friendships, and a peek into the … Continue reading

Posted in Nepal | 2 Comments

Sarah and Mike are OOTO

Hello Friends and Family!  Although we will still be updating the blog with stories from the rest of our trip to India, we just wanted to let everyone know that we will not have access to the internet from November … Continue reading

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