Yet Another Break

Back again after a short hiatus. Oh, to be 25 with no responsibilities. Imagine how much training you could get done!

Saturday was a busy open mat. I had rounds with Edwardo, Reanto, Popsicle, Purple Belt Matt (twice), JR, Sarah, and Charlie. Kept a decent pace up, and about as well as I normally do. Except against Popsicle, who just tore right through me. Which, to be fair, is about what normally happens with him.

I try hard to be both honest with myself, and positive. But that’s tough sometimes. I know that I’m never going to be a monster on the mat. I enjoy going to class, learning new things, challenging myself, and occasionally seeing improvements in my abilities. But it’s tough balancing that against having a poor day, getting smash and dominated. Plus, everyone else is working hard and improving at the same time. I frequently find it hard to do an honest self assessment.

No choice but to embrace the unknown, ride the chaos, and keep on moving.