Tag Archives: nogi

Rule 1

Rule One: Be the guy on top.

Assuming a fight starts standing, that means…get the takedown. And class last night was all about getting the takedown…and the pain associated with **not** getting it.

We warmed up with single leg take downs. I drilled with Daryl and then Officer Jason. After 10 minutes or so of that, we got to the meat of the class. Starting with the single leg, if I get the take down, my partner does 2 burpees, and we reset. If my partner escapes or avoids the takedown, I do 2 burpees. 3 minutes on each side. I had Brendan. We were even for the first round.

The second round, the penalty increased to 3 burpees. The third round, it was 5. Everyone was fight and dying. I found a groove and was doing pretty well. Still doing burpees, but not as many as Brendan was.

For rounds, we did something similar. Starting with the single again, we did a 3 minute match. Looser does burpees for the point differential. First round I was ahead 10-3, so Brendan did 7 burpees, and then we started again. We did 6 rounds total.

Sit Up Guard

Continuing on with Saturday’s sparring, we drilled some sit guard fundamentals. Never be on your back. Always have their leg. Be at an angle. Have a solid post/base. Be ready to stand up into a single.

For rounds we did 6 minutes in, 3 out. I had Daryl and Brady. Similar to Saturday, I was feeling and moving well.

No Gi Knee Slice

We had a well “tenured” class last night. Tim, plus 4 browns and a slew of purple.

Tim led the class, and showed us some knee slice pass variations. We drilled the regular one, then a tripod pass like option where the bottom guy death grips your foot, and then a back up option where you pop up and go to 3/4 mount. He threw in a armlock from there too to force the bottom guy to upa, which will allow us to take full mount.

We did three 10 minute rounds. I had Tim, Long, and then Daryl. I felt and did decently.