Perfect Timing

When I have problems executing a technique, I tend to think about it a lot. It lingers in my mind for days. . .”What am I doing wrong? How can I fix it?” Sometimes I come up with answers on my own, some times I ask Chim or Damian about it. Last night, it was different.

We had a big group. Before class, Mongoose and I were reminiscing about the “old school” Smackdown classes we use to have at the old gym. Nothing but conditioning for an hour and a half. Looking around us, only one other student had been there for those.

We did a good warm up…and then some conditioning. We split into three groups. One group did 10 pushups, 10 shrimps, and 10 break falls for 2 minutes. Another group did 10 sprawls, 10 triangles, and 10 frog hops. The third group jogged. Rotated through everything for 2 rounds.

The lesson of the day was passing the knee shield half guard. This is my preferred technique on the bottom lately, but I’ve been having issues passing it when I’m on top. James and I drilled together. The next part was, how to counter attack when they attempt to kimura. Which is exactly what Harris does to me lately when I’m trying to use this pass. And it was a simple solution. A little grip switch, pass, but keep your weight on their chest so they can’t sweep. Step over, and counter-kimura them. Exactly the answer I was looking for.

For rolling, we did 4 minute rounds. Starting with the knee shield, pass vs submit or sweep. James and I both had some success on both sides. I was happy, he’s a purple belt and this is a technique I’ve been working on a lot. Didn’t do so well when were were forced to do it left handed!

For our last round, we did regular sparring, and I was assigned Little Seth. Who’s not little anymore. He started attacking right away with an armlock from guard, which I escaped and avoided his switch to a triangle. Since his guard was open, I went for a double under pass, but he kept his hips heavy enough to prevent me from locking my hands together. I popped my knee up and started to work a knee slide pass instead. As I was passing, he rolled to turtle (hey! that’s my move), and I sprawled out on him. I was getting my collar grip when I felt him start to roll me. As he was rolling, I saw that he was going horizontally, which used to be a mistake I made. And when we landed, I was ready and got him in a crucifix. I had his collar too, not tight enough to choke though. I was trying to tighten it up, he was blocking, Damian was coaching me. Seth was defending well enough that I tried switching to a inverted triangle, and missed it, and he escaped. Now it was my turn to go into turtle with him sprawled out on me. He was north/south and working on my neck. I went for what was probably the worst sit-out ever, but it’s not something I do often. I ended up on top, but badly positioned and he got my back. I defended well enough to make it to the buzzer though.

Classes like last make me realize how far I’ve come, how much I enjoy jiu jitsu, and how good it feels to do well.