Open Mat

I start off warming up with Harris. JR grabbed me next and wanted to drill some of the techniques we did on Wednesday, so we ran through them a couple of times each.

He also wanted to play around with a DLR guard pass, so I let him work it a few times. That turned into a ten minute mini-lesson with Damian as he answered our questions about it.

And then Damian wanted to roll to warm up. Went okay I think. I had a couple of moments of sucess, and a nice sweep. Mostly I focused on avoiding his grips and staying out of trouble. At the end he showed me a neat omoplata escape that I haven’t seen before.

Rolled with JP a bit at the end of my time as well. He almost got me with a papercutter from half guard, but I snuck my leg through to get into full guard and was able to lift my hips up and remove his angle. Ended up sweeping, mounting, and then working to his back before the round ended.