Offense and Defense

A good mix of a class last night. We spent about half of it drilling takedowns to penetration. I spent the 90% of the time working on the details of the single leg dump that I was on the receiving end of with Dave on Saturday. I was paired up with Jake, who was running through a half dozen different ones on his turn, but I stayed focused on my basic single. Toward the end, I switched and did some of the double leg too.

Thankfully they weren’t full takedowns. I felt like I had a little bit of a hitch in my lower back, I’m guessing from last Saturday. Didn’t hurt, but was there.

The other half of the class, we review and drilled armlock and triangle escapes. Low intensity, just working on the techniques.

After class I did some pull ups, including a few no-band kipping pull ups. Which I guess qualify as pullups. However, for my goal, I’m holding myself to a dead hang, strict pullup. Tried that too, and actually moved some, but couldn’t do it yet. Maybe if I were fresh, but probably not. I still have 3 months, so I just have to keep working on it.

Went home, iced my back, and took it easy. I’m not worried that I’m hurt again, but I think I’ll take the rest of the week off and visit my chiropractor.

Submission Hunt on Saturday…it’s looking like we’re going to have a solid turnout, probably 15-20 folks.