
The weather has cooled some, but we still had a small group.

We warmed up, and then did a couple of rounds of take down drills, our choice. Wade drilled the arm drag double, and I worked on the safada/cheater. Damian saw me doing it and pointed out some things I was doing wrong. Not surprising, it’s been a long time since I learned it.

Class was two different half guard sweeps. Both used the same set up to regain the underhook. Spread our opponent out by stiff arming their free knee, grab their belt over the shoulder, bump them up, they pull back and then we can use that space to reweave the underhook. First option was to bump again, slide out the back, and attack the single. Second was when they wizzer, we can regrip that wizzer, bump them up again, and then hip escape under them to sweep.

For rounds we did 3 minutes on top, 3 minutes on bottom with each guy, starting in half guard. Top guy needs to pass, submit, or improve position. Bottom guy needs to sweep, submit, or get to full guard. I had Long (twice), Wade (twice) and Popsicle. And I got destroyed by all three to varying degrees. Nothing I tried worked, and everything they tried worked. It was pretty discouraging.