Holy Sweep!

531 press work was on the agenda. Pressing is quick and easy, so I also added in 3 set of 3 cleans. I like the Olympic lifts. I think I’m getting better at them due to the increased focus on them the past few months.

I finished up with 15 minutes or so left before class began, but Damian enlisted me to hop into the beginners class because they had an odd number. So I got to do some side control escape drilling.

The advanced class covered two half guard sweeps, both new ones to me. The first was more of a technique to transition to butterfly guard and then into a sweep from there.

The second sweep was a little more complex, but was a thing of beauty. Powerlifter Matt and I were drilling together, and we were both pretty clunky to start with, but by the end we were getting better. It’s something that I think I can put to use right away while rolling!