Another Step

Things are starting to return to normalcy. The temp is coming down a bi and the mat wasn’t a complete zoo on Saturday. I was in a bit of a crabby mood that morning. Up early, didn’t sleep well, what ever, it was something. I wasn’t in the best of mind sets, but I did ride my motorcycle to class and that helped.

Kicked things off with Ron. We did one round semi-slow, and then a couple of more at a normal pace. I did hit the Bernardo half guard sweep, which I think is called a wheel sweep. After twenty minutes or so, we took a break and I went to grab a drink…and Damian pointed at me and signaled me over.

We did about fifteen minutes together. I was a lot fresher than when we last trained together. And I’ve been putting a lot of thought into “defense”. What it means, and how to best apply it. I thought I did okay, LOTS of grip breaking, posture, and generally slowing down. He showed me that I could try a wrist lock when opponents try to grab my collar. It’s unlikely that it will succeed, but it will give them something to think about before they try grabbing again. He also showed me a neat grip break for when they grab my pants at the knee. I asked him afterwards if I did better than the last time we rolled, and he agreed that I was.

I took five for a water break and watch some others roll. Then I grabbed Sarah and we rolled for a couple of rounds. She’s newer, so it was a nice cool down for me.