I took a week off of the 100 Pushups routine, jiujitsu, and pretty much everything else while I was in Vegas.

This week, back at it. Banged out 100 Pushups Week 3, Day 1 like it was nothing. Surprised me a bit how easy it was!

Last night, back into the full swing of class. My rib isn’t 100%, but I figured I might as well try and see how much it acts up. Everyone was glad to see me again. I noticed that both Tom and Matt have earned their first stripe, good for them. Class was about sitting back to guard from the north-south turtle position. We did a couple of variations, which meshed well with the reversal Tim was showing us a couple of weeks ago.

The fundamentals class was the simple, push, and elevator sweeps. Nice timing, because my sweeping during our warm ups have just been sucking. I think I realized what I’ve been doing wrong. We also did a defense/escape from the “bouncer headlock”. There’s a really neat punch-block in it. Heilo was a sneaky guy.