6 classes in a row now. My 2016 focus on consistency is holding up.
Tim led no gi last night. I was the highest ranking student, so I got to lead the warm up. We did the Circle of Death, all abs. Lesson of the day was entry into single leg X guard, and then the ankle lock from that position. I paired up with Corey. Fun drilling with him.
For rounds we did three 10 minute rounds. I drew Josh, Daryl, and Tim.
I did better with Josh than last time. He’s still quick and very active, but my defense held up and I did get on top a couple of times, and got the rolling kimura to the back too. With Daryl, it was a much more relaxed pace.
Tim was, as Tim usually is. Always a step ahead. I can chain a submission or two together, but he’s a never ending string of danger. I did have two notable moments. I’m not sure how the first occurred, but he turtled and I got to his back and rolled him over before he escaped. Later, I rolled out of a omoplata into an omoplata of my own that I switched to a triangle. And I really thought I was going to get him this time. He was defending by standing up and not allowing me to move his arm into the correct position. I adjusted my angle and was trying to get his arm across his body. I had his leg underhooked so he couldn’t lift me more. And…I gave up on it. My legs were tired. I lost focus. I slipped. Pick one, pick all 3, doesn’t matter.
And I was pissed at myself. We reset and I took a second to adjust my belt, close my eyes and take a couple of centering breaths, and move on. Rest of the round doesn’t matter, I kept going.