
Hard to stay afloat.

Same as last Saturday. 8 minutes in, 4 out, with a group of three. I had Nick and a new white belt, Tom. Big guy, and pretty fresh.

Some good rounds, with a fair amount of teaching included.


Busy recovering from my toe issue, holiday stuff, kid stuff, the usual I suppose.

Did get to open mat last week, and didn’t die. Rounds with Morgan, Nick, Hejay, and a few others. Before rounds began, Tim warned everyone about going easy if you’re older, injured, out of shape, etc. All while staring at me, so point taken.

Nice round with Morgan, even though he outguns me by a wide margin. Gentle domination.

This weekend, we only had a threesome, Nick, Alex, and I. 8 minutes in, and 4 out. Had a few fleeting moments of competence.

Never seen that before.

Well, not exactly what you want to hear from a doctor. Somehow I hurt my big toe. Was tender on Monday, hurt on Tuesday, didn’t get any better on Wednesday, so figured I had to go get it checked out. Xray and eventually a MRI. Turns out I have some weirdness that I pissed off. But I’m doing pretty decent now. Trained on Friday at noon, just to get a sweat in and blow off some steam.

Pretty low key, being a holiday week. Tim kicked it off, just fooling around with me. I fought Nick to a mostly stale mate. Rolled with a newer white belt, a big guy, Jake, who I did well against, despite the size disadvantage. Last one was with Railgun Max which was a good one.

Hope the new year goes well.

Double Down

Holiday weekend, so open mat on Friday and Saturday.

Friday, we had 7 people. Round robin, self paired, and a bunch of unfamilar people. A big blue belt (police, I think) took it easy on me. Hei-Jay was my rest round. Jesse and Cheng. Good low key sweat all around.

Saturday, still a small group, but closer to typical I suppose. Tom, Nick, Mick, Aaron, He-Jay, Cheng, and a couple of breaks.

Speaking of breaks….I apparently broke my big toe on Saturday. Persistant pain that didn’t diminish, so I popped into Urgent Care yesterday (Thursday). So now I’m in a boot for the near term future. Yay.


Light crew this saturday, so we ran the chipper, rotating for every point scored.

About half the class was black/brown, so It quickly became apparent that it was mostly the lower belts just rotating through one after another. Good sweat all around I guess.

Burger Wade!

We had a pretty small group on Saturday.    But another special guest.   Burger Wade, in the house, with a freshly minted black belt.     He was one of my best Alliance training partners.   Similar size and ability, so it’s great to see him recognized.  

Typical warm up, then 4 minute rounds with an minute break.    I warmed up with Brie, then had Wade.   It’s been a while, and we’ve rolled a ton of times in the past.   I also had Monique, Jose, Mike, Brian, and others.

Return of the monster

Bob the Monster is in town for a bit, and decided to visit us. Not much has changed, 66 and still kicking everyone’s ass.

We warmed, up, and I had the “honor” of being the first to visit Bob-town. He was nice, I’ll put it that way. Then I had Tom, Gimli, a break, then Jose, Cheng, Monique, Marcus and Popsicle.

I hit a nice sweep with Gimli to be on top for a bit, threatening a kimura assisted backtake, but ran out of time. Cheng, I somehow countered his bolo into a quasi-pressure pass. And I avoided Chris’s sweep and escaped his counter omoplata. A pretty decent day for me.


A couple of weeks off due to family stuff and whatnot.   The usual I guess.

Typical warm up, though I’ve started skipping the last couple of exercises and doing some stretching off to the side.    First round was with Nick, and we went slowly and warmed up even more.

Dove into the fire with Popsicle, which went okay.   Also had Karen, Mike (twice), Monique, Nick again, and others.   I did better than I would have expected.    And not very sore the next day either.


Typical Saturday. Warmed up. 6 minute rounds, self paired.

I had Popsicle to start with (I made it 3 without tapping, might be a new record), then Morgan and Nick….and paid for it for the rest of the time. Gassed to hell and back. I kept moving as much as I could, took a couple off, etc.

And I had a full day of chores and stuff awaiting me afterwards. And today, I had a hard time walking. Whole body ached. I did a 20 minute stretching routing which got me through the rest of the day, but man, I still low key feel like I got hit by a truck.


Lots going on, kid stuff mostly.

Light day. Nick, Vee, and a bunch of whitebelts. Rotating into top of DLR. Lots of movement and a good sweat.