Saturday Beating

We had a pretty big storm roll through on Friday night, so when I arrived at the gym on Saturday the power was out and everyone was sitting in the lobby. Waiting in hope that the lights would come on and we’d get to roll. And patience paid off, they did pop on. Huzzah!

I started with JP, which went about as normal. He’s tough to handle, being that he has a decent size advantage on me. Renato was next, and I was moving very well with him. A nice arm drag to the back, plenty of control, but I never quite could finish him off.

Harris was next. He ankle locked or knee barred me several times, but then tried to help me with maintaining mount. And by that I mean, he’d let me work to mount, then roll me every time. Then, I got the beat down by Popsicle. And he too was in a “teaching” mood. He’d wait and let me start working something, then go immediately into a counter. I get what he’s doing, but man is it frustrating.

I switched gears and did some BJJ 101 with a couple of new people, Steve and Vee.